Special officer of Modified National Agriculture Insurance Scheme A. Antha, at an awareness program organized by the District Administration, said that the modified national agriculture insurance scheme which is applicable to paddy crop is an all inclusive scheme. It covers right from the pre – sowing stage to post harvest operations.
Clarifying on the above, she said that if paddy could not be sowed or if the growth of the standing crop is badly affected or the output of the crop after harvesting is substantially reduced due to bad weather conditions, then the insurance claim can be made. She also clarified that village is taken as a unit for the purpose of insurance.
Comprehensive risk cover will be provided to cover the losses. In case of standing crop, risk covered will be like natural fire and lighting, storm, flood etc. Prevented sowing / planting risk to include deficit or excess rainfall or adverse seasonal conditions and post harvesting to include crops that are kept to dry in the field after harvesting.
Non life insurance companies see agriculture insurance as a next growth drive factor. The agricultural premium amount market is estimated to be Rs. 5,000 crores.