
Exide Life has launched a new unit linked insurance plan

Exide life has launched “Wealth Maxima” is a unit linked insurance plan and investment cum protection plan, the policyholder gets guaranteed money at the time of maturity and the beneficiary gets sum assured, in case of death of the policyholder

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1 min 49 secs
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Last Updated - August 27, 2015
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Exide life has launched “Wealth Maxima” is a unit linked insurance and investment cum protection plan, wherein the policyholder gets guaranteed money at the time of maturity and the beneficiary gets sum assured, in case of death of the policyholder. To meet the important milestones like – marriage, childbirth, the plan offers three variants to upgrade the protection level as per an individual need.

Key features of Wealth Maxima

Choice of 3 variants – Maxima Invest, Maxima Family and Maxima Child
Option to switch between the 3 variants
6 investment fund options – to suit particular needs and risk appetite
Loyalty additions – extra units gets added at the end of every 5th policy year

Exide Life Insurance Company Limited (formerly ING Vysya Life Insurance Company Limited) commenced operations in 2001-02 and is head quartered in Bengaluru. The company serves over 10 lakh customers across India and manages over Rs. 8800 crores in assets. Exide Life is fully owned by Exide Industries Limited, which is a 100 year old brand heritage in India.

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