
Why online aggregators are better than agents selling door-to-door policies

start comparing financial products online using your preferred aggregator before buying. Not only buying insurance and other financial products online is beneficial for you

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Last Updated - May 15, 2023
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Beware! Your neighbor next door, the ever-smiling Chadhaji, may have sold your family and the entire neighborhood lane that you have lived in for years, varied financial products. But your benefit could be secondary to his self-interest! So, next time don’t make the mistake that others around you have made. Don’t trust an agent selling door-to-door policies! Instead, hop onto your couch and start comparing financial products online using your preferred aggregator before buying. Not only buying insurance and other financial products online is beneficial for you, but it also won’t tell you four things that Chadha Ji has told everyone he has ever sold insurance to. 

1. This is the best policy in the market

One of the most popular marketing ‘gimmicks’ that insurance agents have in their arsenal is that the policy they are pitching to sell you is the best policy in the market. Before you fall prey to such lies, you must get a thorough financial assessment done by a professional. An assessment will help you plan better and invest wisely. Remember, these agents may not necessarily have your best interests at heart because their commission varies from policy to policy. Another wise way to invest is by comparing the vast variety of plans available online. “Invest wise to enjoy the journey called life”. 

2. This is a one-time offer 

Another common technique applied to lure you into buying a policy is that “this is a one-time offer”. If that is the case, let it be. There are a plethora of options to choose from. It’s a market where you alone have the power to make your decisions. Before buying a policy you may not even require, it’s wise to compare your options online. 

3. Settlement is an issue with online policies  

When everything fails, agents often resort to statements like “online insurance has a poor settlement ratio and is plagued by problems.” This is a white lie! All you have to do to enjoy the benefits of your investment is to pay your premium for the subscribed period. If at all you want to be more cautious, you must compare the claim settlement ratio of the companies you are looking to invest with.

4. Tussi toh ‘phamily’ ho!  

Once the deal is done, the benevolent Chadha Ji looks upon you as nothing less than family and concludes more often than not by stating, Tussi toh ‘phamily’ ho! Aggregators spare you the trouble of hearing yet another lie.
For any queries on insurance and other financial plans, please visit us at

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Jay Vasa is a content writer, who has got his core emphasis on insurance related information. The sole motive of writing articles is to spread appropriate information to the people regarding one of the important and discussed topic in today's time.