
Must known facts about Health assessment test in Health Insurance

Get a health insurance policy and avail the benefit of a free health assessment test. Regular health assessment enhances your awareness of potential threats and timely action which may be needed.

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Last Updated - December 31, 2021
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Facts related to Health assessment test in health insurance plan

Health assessment determines the state of your current health condition. It’s basically a health checkup which an individual needs to go through, at the time of purchasing a health insurance policy from any health insurance company. Considering your medical history, physical examination and a few tests are included in this process. Besides gathering information from your physical examination, your health insurance company also considers the information which you provide verbally. 

Data collection includes laboratory studies and radiology studies for physical examination by examining the necessary organs. Some tests are arranged for diagnosis includes the following procedures- 

1. Inspection: In this process, the health care provider observes your body’s behaviour minutely, mainly your body’s shape, color and consistency. If something suspicious has been found through observation, it will certainly help your health insurance company to know about the root cause of the problem. For eg- if a person has a swelling in his leg because of extra fluid caused in the heart, diagnosis of the swollen leg will be done post regulating the extra fluid of heart. So in this way the actual problem is connected with the cause and is put forward for diagnosis. Necessary observations for following this process are- 

Skin – whether your skin has cuts, moles or lumps 

Face and eyes – to see if they are normal

Neck veins – to see if any swelling has taken place

Similarly, there are few more such observations which take place in this procedure.
2. Palpation: Palpation means physical touch. This happens when the examiner uses his hands to check if there are any existing flaws in the body. Lymph nodes and chest walls (for heart rate) and abdomen are examined in this process. 

3. Percussion: This process includes ‘tapping’ on certain areas of the body; mainly on the abdomen, on back and on the chest wall. The examiner taps on different areas of the body that produces sound which helps the healthcare provider to know whether the person’s chest is filled with fluid or the stomach contains mass.

4. Auscultation: This is the most common way of the doctors to check the patient. Auscultation includes the use of a stethoscope through which sounds produced in that particular area can be heard effectively. If any flaws are found during this process, it may lead to further tests. Ideally auscultation includes the prominent areas such as the neck, heart, abdomen, lungs because of the evident sound heard through these portions. Other parts can also be auscultated if the health examiner finds it necessary.

5. The Neurologic examination: Neurologic examination may take place with physical examination by the healthcare provider. This is the process to examine the sensory neurons, reflexes and motor response to know the current state of the nervous system. In general, this examination is further bifurcated into 4 parts mainly including: cranial nerve assessment, motor function assessment, sensory function assessment and assessment of reflexes.


It has been reported that every year this process has saved thousands of lives through preventive care of critical illnesses. 40% of deaths from cancer, 80% of deaths from type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke could be prevented with the following healthy diet and by quitting smoking.

Based on the results of the assessment, your healthcare provider will help you in the betterment of your health by providing certain guidelines. Which includes the following: 

  • One needs to follow a regular diet and exercise on a daily basis.
  • It also includes medication to prevent chronic diseases

Over here, age specific testing becomes mandatory with the screening test and also includes following features on the top of it:

  • Your medical history will be updated and a general health inquiry will be undertaken to know whether there are some new health issues.
  • Your file will be updated after you get weighed and measured. Besides this, your blood pressure and heart rate shall also be tested and compared with your previous results.
  • You will be asked about the previous medications by the health care provider and shall be checked whether you are taking it as prescribed.
  • After these procedures, the practitioner will guide you through and shall share feedback regarding your diet, weight, activity level. The practitioner will also highlight the areas which require improvement.


Get a health insurance policy and avail the benefit of a free health assessment test. Health assessment enhances your awareness and opens your eyes to fight by surfacing the hidden problems. Make sure that you follow the doctor’s guidance properly and live carefully but fearlessly. 

You can compare and buy health insurance policies on

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Jay Vasa is a content writer, who has got his core emphasis on insurance related information. The sole motive of writing articles is to spread appropriate information to the people regarding one of the important and discussed topic in today's time.