
Aegon Life Regular Money Back Plan Bonus Rates. Calculate returns & Maturity Value

Check the Maturity Value for Aegon Life Regular Money Back Policy : UIN No. 138N056V01Calculate the returns in Aegon Life Regular Money Back Plan. Bonus declared from 2015-2016 to the latest values.

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Last Updated - May 29, 2018
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Bonus rates for Aegon Life Regular Money Back Insurance Plan

The table below shows the Bonus rates declared for Aegon Regular Money Back Policy from inception. You can use this to calculate the Aegon Life Regular Money Back Plan Maturity Value. The vested bonus rates are the percentage of the Sum Assured.

In case you have a plan with a Sum Assured of Rs. 5,00,000 – Use the values in the table as follows:

Bonus Value = (Sum Assured x Bonus Rate) = (5,00,000 x Bonus Rate)

Simple Reversionary Bonus

YearPolicy Term (in years)Bonus Rate

Terminal Bonus

A terminal bonus is a one-time bonus that is payable at maturity. Terminal bonus declared as a percentage of the sum assured. As of now, no terminal bonus has been declared in this plan.

Maturity Value

So to get to the Aegon Life Regular Money Back Plan maturity value, you have to add all of the following – Sum Assured + Accrued bonus + Any special bonus + Terminal Bonus.

Do let us know in case you need any further information on the bonus rates for this plan or in calculating the returns for your Aegon Life Regular Money Back Policy

Please contact the Aegon Life office for exact details of the bonus which has accrued in your plan. You can read know more about the plan and its working here – Aegon Life Regular Money Back Plan.

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Deepak Yohannan is the Founder & CEO of MyInsuranceClub. He enjoys writing on Personal Finance and focusses on explaining the basic concepts of insurance in simple language.